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Let’s Work Together

This website needs your help. There’s really no other way to say it. You can breathe a sigh of relief because we don’t need your donations. We do quite well in terms of our exchange fees, as well as our top billing advertisement placement revenues.

We earn our necessary operating fees by giving certain interested individuals top-billing placement on our site. If you want to get more clients, contact us to get top placement billing.

Our advertising rates are dependent on how long you want your ad campaign to last. Since we offer a lot of pages on this website because we feature so many resources for both harpists and people who are looking to hire professional harp players, our rates are more than reasonable.

Whether you’re looking to build a distinctive brand for your harp playing, or you are just looking to raise awareness for the latest harp recording that you have completed, we have a solution for you.

Moreover, we accommodate a wide range of campaign durations. Many websites force you to do buy large on blocks of time, but not Chicago harpist. If you are focused on a particular event or a specific range of dates, we have custom-advertising blocks available for you.

Additionally, we need people to let us know if any of the resources we share here are out of date or lead to a “page not found” errors. As much as we have put in a lot of effort to ensure that all links are working, and all pages are loading properly, this website is far from perfect. We readily admit to that because let’s face it; on the Internet, there is no such thing as a perfect website. Somehow, some way, things are bound to break down at least once in a while.

This can happen to the very best website. It doesn’t really matter how big their budget is, nor how professional and dedicated the teams behind such websites are. This is just the nature of the beast. Accordingly, by recruiting you, our loyal visitor, to help us pinpoint potential page errors and content issues, you can do your part in ensuring a very smooth experience for everyone who visits this website. Remember, you are part of a community.

This website exists for both potential clients, as well as professional and amateur harp players. Whether you are looking to make a full-time living off your harp playing, or you are looking to learn the ins and outs of professional harp playing, this website is for you.

We are a global community. Although we target primarily the greater Chicago area, rest assured that if you are viewing our site from Florida, Western Europe, Southeast Asia, or South America, you are more than welcome here. We have all sorts of resources that transcend boundaries, time zones and languages. In fact, there are certain language packets you can download to translate our material. If that doesn’t work, you can load our materials into Google Translate.

Whatever the case may be, we try to offer simple, easy-to-understand, helpful materials that would enable you to either pick the right harp playing professional, or make a decent living as a professional harp player. Whatever your particular set of needs are, we are here for you.

Contact information

This website continues to grow, and we are eternally thankful to all community members who help us fine-tune the value proposition Chicago-harpist brings to the table. Thank you for stopping by. Please fill out the contact form below if you have any suggestions for improvements, report some sort of error, or get in touch with us for advertising purposes.
198 West 21th Street, Suite 721, New York NY
(+85) 123 456 789